On last week’s episode of Barstool Sports podcast ‘Bussin’ With The Boys’, comedian Chris Distefano and former Titans offensive tackle/show host Taylor Lewan talked about the idea of adults wearing jerseys and attending professional sporting events. I almost used the phrase “debated the topic” but it became a big nodding and agreeing fest.
The clip that gained traction on Twitter started with Distefano asking Lewan “Did you guys feel as athletes like, you have to like, be like God, like to the kids?” The conversation then divulged in to Lewan and Distefano criticizing adults who attend sporting events and wear athletes jerseys.
To me, this is a wildly stupid take from two guys who feel out of touch. For Distefano, if people hid their fandom and didn’t support who they find entertaining, then he wouldn’t be able to sell tickets to venues and would be working at a convenience store. It’s interesting how he didn’t bring up that people who attend comedy events are weird for supporting comedians. A very rules for thee, but not for me attitude.
The Take Lacked Humor
While I find that the take is dumb, my bigger issue is that the take is void of any humor. At no point does he make a funny or sarcastic joke to add levity to a take that frankly, I don’t believe he believes. Why don’t I believe Distefano? Maybe because it took me one Google search to find pictures of Distefano wearing sports jerseys and sitting court side at basketball games.

Staying on the topic of the take lacking humor, I found it weird how Distefano shoehorned in a take about adults doing jiu jitsu being weird with a very distasteful Anthony Bourndain suicide joke. While jiu jitsu isn’t really up my alley, can people no longer have hobbies? Again, just another pre-contrived and stupid take from someone who doesn’t believe the words coming out of their mouth.