Ok Clemson fans, we get it, Trevor Lawrence is the second coming of Deshaun Watson. Freshman phenom, potential Heisman candidate, going to put up record numbers….We will take your word for it.
Don’t get me wrong, the kids stats are impressive (he threw for 161 touchdown passes over the course of his high school career). It’s also worth noting that he currently has 30 -1 odds to win the Heisman, despite the fact that Clemson hasn’t even announced their starting QB yet.
With all this being said, I have one question for Clemson fans. Does this hippie looking mother fucker pass the eye test?

I mean come on… Dude has squid written all over him. My man looks like Mitch Kramer from Dazed and Confused, or maybe on a good day, Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Sure he is 6’5″, 205 pounds (someone double check that scale), but do you really want the offspring of Tim Lincecum and Shaggy from Scooby-Doo under center? Also, I know actual “eyes” aren’t traditionally evaluated in “eye tests”, but TL looks a little zooted in that pic. Maybe he’s just tired, maybe he rips herb, who am I to make such claims…Let the people decide!

EDIT: Shit, come to think of it…He actually kind of looks like someone else I know. #SquidCity