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*Read in Stephen A Voice*

Now Skip, what if I told you that ESPN’s flagship college football program was going to a place that didn’t even like college football!?! For serious?? You could put it in Atlanta, or New Orleans, or Dallas, or any other city in the country, but New Yawk? God no. Someone ought to have enough sense to bash Corso in his headgear for this one.

Part of what makes college football so special is these crazy college kids on campus with their signs. Do you really think there’s going to be any of that in Times Square? Hell no. Now Skip, I have some good friends in many cities across the country that would LOOOOOOVE to host GameDAy next week, but guess what? They can’t because the executives at ESPN couldn’t stay off the weeeeed-ah. All of my brothers in Iowa City and Stillwater, Oklahoma are upset because there are two great games that could get super weird and ESPN doesn’t even give them their due. BLASPHEMOUS.

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