The NFL will be returning this fall, while the NCAA and high-school programs are still scrambling to find a healthy concrete plan to have football this fall.
The NFLPA player representatives approved the NFL’s proposal on their conference call today and the deal is sealed, pro football will come this fall. The NFLPA Board of Representatives voted to approve the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The voting count came out to be 29-3 in favor of the 2020 CBA agreement that ensures protection of their health and financial well-being.

Roger Goodell had a statement released on Twitter following the agreement:
http://NFLPA Executive Director, DeMaurice Fitzgerald Smith
NFL fans should expect to see unique changes and challenges during the upcoming NFL season no doubt. It will also make for an interesting season and mark a one of a kind season the NFL has never seen before.
The Opt-Out Option
For the players who have expressed uncertainty, via Twitter with #WeWantToPlay, there are two opt-out options. These options are irrevocable and due in 7 days from the date of the deal.
Option No.1: $150,000 salary advance with no credited season
Option No. 2: $350,000 with no offset and credited season
Seahawks super star Russell Wilson expressed his concern just 5 days ago (via his Twitter):
One NFL player has already decided to opt-out of the 2020 NFL season so far, is Chiefs’ starting right guard Laurent Duvernay- Tardif. Tardif chose option No. 1, so instead of making $2.75 million he will make $150,000. He also notably holds a doctorate in medicine, so he knows it’s in his best interest personally. He may be the first to opt-out due to Covid-19, but he won’t be the last either.