2020 wound up and kicked Big Ten football programs, players and fans square in the pills early last week. The season was ‘postponed‘ which was vague to say the least. Clearly, the presidents of the conference had no clue what they were doing and had no plan of attack. Football fans needed a hero. *Enter Sir Yacht*
This Sir Yacht guy on Twitter posted this tweet on Sunday night that brought hope to B1G fans everywhere.

Now, this guys is either the biggest blue baller in the world, or he has some information that not a lot of others have.
Can Yacht be trusted?
I always like to do a little deep diving on people’s Twitter pages when they say they have a source or information. I did that here as well. Usually, people with ‘sources’ are trolls who have under 10 followers. Yacht appears to pass this test. He has 22,400 followers. Most of the time, I’ll trust someone with that type of following.
He has a podcast and is based out of Ohio, and this leads to my next point.
There is another beat writer based out Ohio by the name of Bill Rabinowitz who apparently is hearing some stuff as well.

What’s been happening
Since the announcement of the postponement of the season, parents of players at Iowa have handed a letter to B1G Commissioner Kevin Warren, Justin Fields has gotten a petition going with over 259,000 signatures (and counting) and Nebraska threw their typical bitch-fit (this happens many times a season, but this one stood out more).
B1G has to figure this crap out
I’m sure Warren and his minions anticipated other conferences to fold after their announcement. Only the Charmin soft Pac-12 followed (no surprise), and the leaders of the B1G have only looked dumb.
I care about this conference, and this is going to do some serious damage. Recruiting, school’s financial issues and a long line of other stuff will suffer.
If Sir Yacht is correct, I’m ready to petition to get him a job at ESPN or Fox Sports because I will trust him for the rest of my life. If not, just another blue balling for myself and all other football fans.
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