So the NCAA has allowed football and basketball athletes to return to their campuses for voluntary workouts beginning on June 1st.

While this does not mean #SportsAreBack, it is a step in the right direction. As states begin to prematurely open back up, we will start to see sports prematurely resume.

I know that these athletes are excited to get back to the facilities and preparing for the season but are we really ready for this? What statistics have we seen recently are promising enough to bring athletes back to campus but students are still told to stay away?

I fully anticipate college sports to be played this season, but with limited crowds and some definite rule changes.

I am with everyone when I say that I am itching for sports to come back, I will be entering my last semester at college and I want one more season of going to the shoe and watching the Buckeyes play. There is nothing like going to watch Ohio State at noon, go home, watch the SEC game of the week at 3:30 and then wind down with the primetime ABC game.

But let’s do this right, let’s not rush back. If we just do what we have to do, sports will be back sooner rather than later. However, this rush to open back up could have disastrous effects.