Adam Schefter made headlines (headline) when he dared to send out quite possibly, the most distasteful joke in recorded history.

I don’t know about you, but I have not had a decent nights sleep since. Thankfully, the moral authorities at Deadspin put Schefter in his place with a wonderfully put, and totally justified “cancel” blog. (look it up yourselves, no free ads.)

Now you would think this vicious hit piece would be a career-ender for a noted troublemaker like Schefter. But that son of a gun is once again throwing his privilege right in our faces.

Schefter picked up Antonio Brown around 1:00 p.m. in his fantasy league, which is three hours before he posted today’s scoop about Brown receiving interest from teams once his suspension is up.

This is as close to insider trading without it being illegal as you can get. Schefter is out here being Barry Bonds while the rest of his sorry-ass league is getting extra hacks in the batting cage to catch up to the big boys.

I mean, how do you agree to be in a fantasy league with the most well-connected NFL insider in the country? That would be like me agreeing to fight Mike Tyson in the year 1987 because it “sounds like fun!”

This is Schefter’s most disgusting display of disgustingness to date. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for Julie DiCaro’s response to this blatant use of insider privilege to hit