If you sit through any daytime sports show, you’ll almost certainly hear some discussion about NFL players taking a knee. With the season around the corner, I decided to do some investigating into how it all started.


A common misconception is that it was sparked by ex-quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, Gonzo the Great  Colin Kaepernick.

It is true, that as his lack of talent became apparent, he generated publicity by beginning to kneel during the 2016 pre-season. However, if we look a little further back, we find that Greg Schiano was the first person to bring light to the subject when Eli Manning took a knee on September 16, 2012.

It didn’t stop there. For the rest of the season, Schiano sent his entire defense after any QB that tried to kneel in front of Ol’ Glory flying proudly in the corner of the stadium. What the NFL needs is the world’s greatest patriot back on the sidelines. You want to kneel during the National Anthem? Fine, but you better have your head on a swivel because Schiano is liable to rip his shirt off and steam roll your communist ass.

I am WAITING for the day an OSU player decides he wants to take a knee. Especially now that Schiano knows that Urban will look the other way.